Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm not sure if it's the after-effects of fever or i'm having another depression or something but...... I have this familiar strange feeling again.
I had this familiar feeling a moment before the little words ran across channel 5 that informed us about the WTC., when Iraq was about to be a battleground, when I was in camp and there was that huge ghost-spotting incident where the whole NCC camp got put to a halt, when we were shooting our last rounds at the firing range and North View Air Unit got a Gold medal, during ) levels and then to the recent incidents of people leaving this world for good.
funny how it didnt come when Cheryl was about to go for good long long ago.
and what's with the sudden increase of accidents? Last month i think i saw at least 6 car accidents.
Then i came to Clara's blog after a huge problem with wireless connectivity the night before. And i read.
I still have the feeling still.
Is something coming?
... . .. ..
On a side note.. Vicky and i still think there's something fishy going on with the military.
And no im not talking about National Day.
Vicky's cousins are training harder than usual all of a sudden in Tekong. I see a lot of APCs with red flags (maybe cos they're holding live rounds) and i see more aircrafts than usual above yishun too. And they're flying super low these days.
Gone were the days when the Piper Warrior ruled the sky of Yishun. -.-
The Navy just bought a stealth boat too. And I hear there's a campaign being planned to get the people of our Motherland to be more patriotic.
and wtf is up with MINDEF?!!??! I registered for NS perfectly, followed all the rules and stuff and instead they call me up for enlistment. wtf?!?!
and i checked yesterday night on the MIW crap and they said, "sorry you havent registered. haha loser..."
and i even applied for deferment online.
Yeah sure... "Get that guy with the camera!".... i can hear those old men with saggy tits pointing at my picture in their lavishly decorated underground offices.
Anyways... i leave you with the rather old Kuching Video Trailer.
-------------------------------------- EDIT --------------------------------------
TMD!!!! i just got my warning letter from Ngee Ann...
na bei.. chi bye... absent two times from softball... hong gan ar!!!
chi bai i've only skipped once okay. And the rest i was LATE.. zz... na bei i really dun get it... other sports like dance or soccer still follow that "830, you're late!" rule and mine is like... "8am, you're late!"
and fark I have to cross enter the school.. go to the swimming pool... go up the bridge leading to Camp David across the road to go to my softball field.
Na bei and every morning there's a jam at BKE AND bukit timah.
Knn buay song liaoz.
"You should come for every training regularly and punctually to avoid from failing this module."
KNS~~~!!! Wednesday is a wasted day. Morning is softball.. maybe tt's nt wasted... but i have a lousy teammate in my team... then after that is CATS class... then what? wait 6 hrs for Jap class????
And yeah MINDEF called me earlier.
seems like their system screwed up on me.
The guy even said that the system got my deferment online. but i wasnt registered. WTF...
ah whatever.. its gonna be settled.
and wht the fark is up with teenagers these days!?!??!?!?!
I was WALKING down the street this afternoon in the rain gong back home and some BASTARDIZED little indian punk banged into me on PURPOSE!!! CCB~~!!!
it made no sense too!!! the pavement was WIDE!!! WIDE!! SUPER FREAKING WIDE!!! then he came... shaking his little side-shaven head and THREW HIS FRAKING shoulder at me!
WTF.. fine.. i'm like.. whatever... i dun wanna fight with you so i just walked.
and he comes and shouts,"EH BOY!"
KNS!!! BOY!!! TMD!!! YOU're A FREAKING 14 year old and YOU're CALLING ME BOY?!?!?
i turned my head.. looked at him and just gave the usual,"Yeah?" that i usually give.
He comes.. swinging his crooked retarded hands side to side, jutting his chin outwards and dressed in a fugly blue shirt and pushes his fat bastardized chest on me.
"You wanna fight ar??!?!""
yeah even he cant come up with any new phrases.
And i say,"For what?"
"You hit me what."
WTF MAN~~!!!
I really hate fighting so i just said "oh i did? sorry... wasnt looking."
then he comes up with farked up crapped like me bluffing.
AND OMG wht kinda fraking desperate guy keeps asking "You wanna fight?" every bloody freaing single time he speaks a sentence!?!?!?!?!
Then all his indian words start coming out and i just walked away.
I turned back, stared at him. He stared back.. raised up his arms like some boxer-wannabe.
then FINALLY~~!!! before anything stupid happened, a few chinese boys on their bikes (no it wasnt benjamin's group this time) came in from behind him and they saw us. The little indian turned back to look at them and he stared at them. The bikers looked at both of us, slowed down... ah yess... ah bengs came to save the day... The little boy then pointed at me and shouted," You lucky. This time i let you off. Next time dont let me see you."
he crossed the road and disappeared and i walked home, the bengs moved along.
knn... my jacket.....
knn wtf is up with people like this?!?!?!?! wanna be gangster also dunno how... PFFT....
and i think my legs could just easily step on his face.
anyways im coming up with a "secret weapon" for our next video project. Cant mention details about it up here cos its a secret. I mean... duH~~~!!!
lolz... But i think this little thing, let's call it, Bob.... would allow us to attain SMOOTH and FLOWING shots especially when we need to follow the subject around. whee~~~
This thing is made of metal and i've managed to get it about 60 percent done. muahahah~~!!!!
Sieg Heil~!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Thanks to April, hor...( -.- )... ... i managed to get a video player down on my blog! WHOO!!!
its located under the cute little tagboard btw.
And i justforked out a bit of money for my own webbie with (free.. pffft...) .. and now a few of my own videos are up there. Yeah so that's where link my video files from.
Nice... So i think we'll be seeing more videos here rather than words sometimes.
lolz but writing is so romantic, Audi!!!
it is...
Anyways the video playing now, Location Scouting: Kranji, is a short video taken by me this morning when the crew was out looking for.. duh... locations for our Narrative Video Project Three... our final video project for the semester (or year? gulp...).
enjoy the 10 minute video. No download neccessary!!
Dear Friend, Aye... I remember a time long before this. I remmeebr a time when everything was good and the vegetables were fresh.
Aye.. everything was peh-fect here in Das Grosser Deutschland. Aye... Whot I'm aboot to tell us hier is a story about a little boy who had a friend. Aye.. a sad story it is indeed. This little boiy... he had a friend. His friend was magical. Thought they didnt have a constant relationship, aye, he was always there when the little boy was in trooble. He was doire when the little boy was forced to live with a bunch o' low-life children, ja. Aye... he was there to give comfort, ja, when the little boy felt left out. Aye.. the little boy was very insecure. Aye.. after the torture, when life started getting brighter, alas, the friend and the boy departed again, when the friend was seperated from the county they lived in. Ja.. it was sad.
But then the little boy ran into trooble again. The little boy got very sick and depressed. Aye.. he felt like dying. But, good heavens! His old friend came out of nowhere and took the little boy in his arms. The little boy felt a bit better and soon they both parted again.
Aye... but then, one day, the old friend came running to the little boy's house early in the morning, ja? And with no speech at all, the little boy let him in. Aye... the old friend was sad, this time. The little boy returned the favour and made him feel more comfortable.
Ja... this was beginning to be such a beautiful story. But then, our Mother wont let them. Thus, they departed again for a long time. The little boy found a young lad, whome he stuck by for time.
The little boy grew up. He became a man of many skills. A master saw him and offered him a place in an instituition. Ja, they boy was indeed happy. But he was not contented. His favourite companion then had left the county to get married. Aye... The little boy had no one to share his experience with.
And then.. he met his old friend. He too has not been having a very happy time. The two friends met each other by luck in a forest, and immediately understood each other. They also happen to be transfereed to the same institution, albeit different areas of studies, but in close proximity of each other.
Aye.... they both enjoyed life with each other as old friends do. Ja... the little boy always felt left out in his new community. His old friend was enjoying new company. The little boy was not open to new people and would often hide when he sees them. Aye... even when the old friend agreed to meet for a meal, he would bring his friends along and the little boy would quietly eat his meal while the others have a good laugh over things that the little boy cannot comprehend.
The little boy was distraught. His old friend had become someone else. He didnt like it. He didnt want him to change. Aye. So the little boy kept forcing his old friend away from anyone he didnt like. Aye... he controlled his old friend. But his old friend willingly gave in.
Then one day, the little boy went too far and the old friend did the only thing he knew that would really hit the little boy in his soft, tender heart. The old friend packed his things secretly while the little boy was sleeping.
The next morning, after the little boy has left the house, the old friend stayed back for awhile.
Aye... little did the little boy know that that was the last time he would hear from his old friend; the old friend had left for the woods, never to return again.
The little boy searched high and low for his old friend. he asked the townfolk where he is but many didnt help. Those who did tried their best to no avail. Evenntually, the little boy fell sick, longing for the person he has depended too much on.
On his bed, he played a little song on his mini piano for his lost friend. After he wrote the final note, the little boy fell into a deep sleep. Never to awake again.
If he had had a bit more energy in him, aye, he wouldve met his old friend again, because a few moments later, his old friend came back, to give his final message.
One that the little boy would never hear.
Aye..... We all could learn from this little story about the little boy.
Signing off, Der Kleine Boy.
We had the official screening of Savage Cravings this morning.
We blew everyone away.
After the screening, the lecture hall was speechless.
The other groups, after a four-hour break, were seated suspiciously tighter in the next class.
And it was much more quiet too.
While we were openly celebrating our success In King Albert Park's Mac Donald's, I shot in and reminded the others to be tactful and not mention about our success infront of the other two groups.
The crew smelt an A coming up, some even an A(D) *D for distinction*.
I wouldnt bet so high though. Things always go wrong when everyone bets so high.
And I met daphne Khoo again.. this time with her producer i think. Some Chinese guy with hair like Shiekh Haikel. And news flew around that Daphne is interested in my classmate, Shah. That 23 year old malay guy. And yeah.. girls are extremely crazy over him. And i'm still confused.
Have a thing hanging on my mind now...
I met an old friend of mine from Ngee Ann engineering course.
We happened to meet each other; I was standing infront of a vending machine with my crew, discussing, he was walking towards the vending machine, with his friends.
My old friend has changed a bit.
He seemed pale. And shabbier.
He had a huge ear stud on his left ear.
Maybe I could miam him if i were to press the sharp end of the stud into his neck.
I didnt recognise him at first glance.
But this ld friend of mine kept looking.
I think he was smiling a bit.
And i recognise him. My old friend.
The one that transformed me.
The one that re-embedded faith in me that best friends do exist.
The one that would sing out loud infront of me in his room... or anywhere else.,,, and sing along with me..
The one that would always get me angry and be all fatherly with hiim.
The one that was beside me when I was out looking at girls.
The one that I saw cry right infornt of my eyes.
The one that saw me cry right infornt of his eyes.
The one that didnt mind me shouting out a whole vocabulary of profanities at everything under the sun everytime we walk over to King Albert Park at night.
And one that has somewhat formed a hint of personal/emotional/ mental bonding with me... just like any close friends would.
I looked at him.
But i cant smile.
The more i tried to smile, the more i could feel the smile turn upside-down.
And things start getting blur, with him only in focus.
we looked at each other in the eyes... he walking closer, beside me.
No words.
Just looks.
We turned away at the same time.
And i tried to continue with my discussion.
But i lost it.
I turned back an inch.
He turned back an inch too.
and we turned back again to our seperate groups of friends.
I wonder what that smile was for.
i wonder where he is now.
... i think that's old-english for "things wil get better soon."
This morning.. while bathing.. i bent over to get some shampoo. It was in one of thse pump-action thingy that has found purpose for the base of our thumbs. I was a bit groggy that time, what with having a high fever and stuff, and i accidentally laid my entire weight on the little pump and the shampoo just squirted all over the shower floor like some pre-teen having his first ejaculation! LOLZ!!! I laughed my head off after watching that.
anyways yeah ive been sick. It's like... worry leads to depression leads to sick leads to maturity. For me at least. =p. Dunno la... i have this mentallity that when you become very sick all of a sudden, its a form of reaction ur body gets when it's growing up. haha...
but nevertheless i went to school for a little consultation abt my Writ Comm assignment; Informative essay.
Initially my first thesis statement was, "The German language is more well-suited for assertive speeches than the English language is."
Miss ann was like,"No no no this cant be done, its persuasive! you'll get lost! it's nt a strong thesis staement! " on her emails to me. literally, i received a short essay on why i shouldnt use that thesis staement for an informative essay. haha... but she said it's good for a persuasive one.
so... i changed it to, "Aikido; the modern Japanese martial art that emphasizes the balance between the body and mind of its practitioners that in turn benefit them to a large extent."
Then, as ordered like the others, i wrote out a brief outline of wht im gonna write for this 1200 words essay.
so i came down at 2:10pm today for my ten-minutes consultation.
First thing she said," Your thesis statement DOES NOT have a verb."
and she got out her red pen, cancelled out my semi-colon after the Aikido word and wrote in, "is".
"Ahhh yes.... NOW it's a complete sentence."
omg wht module am i in.... -.-....
lolz anywyas yeah she mentioned my outline was indeed well done, not medium-rare, tasted like chicken but looked like beef and was presented in a very modern-asian style.
err yeah... she liked it...
I was still feverish (coming down to sch with my specs and all, getting the "hey, nerd!" response from everyone." and i happened to bump into Shaun and Joyce outside class...
well well well... this morning we... no.. they... had their preview screening of "Savage Cravings". Seems like our group finished our editing first. wootz!
Shaun then described to me mister Patrick Cheng's (pak chew cheng... =p) reaction to our video (which was completed wayyy ahead of schedule...) .... He watched the 7 minute video.... silently.. (wow!)...... the gys thought he was angry... then when it came to our climax part, he slammed the spacebar to stop the clip... looked at every member of the crew (and imagined me... i was at home then...).. and said,"I would have never expected this out of year one students. The set design was good, the acting was good, the camerawork, although jerky at times, is good.. considering that it was handheld all the way. And this camera is a very difficult toold for handheld shots." ....
lolz.. wootz man!!!
then i heard... that my FIRST NARRATIVE VIDEO PROJECT..... scored an.....( suprise!!!)..... scored an A!!!!! OMG!!!!!
if it werent for paperwork (my producer was one of those oh-no-i'll-melt kinda ppl... slacking on the job..), i couldve gotten an A+!! zzz but then again... 'A' is good. whee!!!
and then.. finally... the crew CHANGED the final project script! whee!!! no more psychotic mumbo-jumbo.... now its.. finally.. a romance clip...
i heard the story (described by Mariah-Carey-Manic Shaun) and yes... it was indeed light-hearted... touching somewhat... romantic. Then i asked about talents.... they had no idea who to choose... So i gave them my two-cents,"Why not we get a real couple? I mean.. the chemistry's already there...."...
The agreed...
So now I'm calling upon Clara and Donald to come up for auditions (which is basically me going to you and takin video then passing it for crew to see over the internet).
Wouldn't you just like to be part of a project that is crafted by intelligent video-makers? yes you do.. you do...
yeah then things went to a higher note at night... finally i met sarah to pass her some foreskin... lolz... that recording she took where SHE interviewed John Mah, the guy who shocked everyone with his Fourskin. LOLZ!!! that's nt even grammatically correct! But is there a verb? hm.. yes it does...
It's so not difficult to lose sarah's voice in a conversation... she's the most whiny-motherly one. =p
Hmm yeah then now i'm reverting back to scale modeling but this time on much larger scale, literally. I'm making out a 1/10th scale of a Type 97 Chi Ha, made out of aluminium sheets, real rivets, wood, an engine and workable tracks. Why am i doing this? ah yes.... because somewhere... sometime... in the future... i'm gonna make a story on Singapore... World War Two style... =p ... And this super huge scale model of the tank.. coupled with bluescreen... and an enthusiatic film-crew, i can create shots that would compel viewers to change their views about what they can do in life even though they may be academically-challenged..... or poor..... and also to think about the suffereing our GRANDPARENTS went through... and how stark it is of a contrast between their time and ours now.... 60 years is not a long time...
quoting from someone,"Our society has modernised too quickly for the society to keep up." (Someone, 2005, p. 15)
or it sounded st like that.. i used that quote to support my," Advances in technology is the cause of complaceny amongst young Singaporeans today" essay..
well done, audi.. well done...
but remember to help others as well.
I spent my night with Vicky today... after a day of having my story ideas thrown back at me even before i got my story out by the director. I guess I'm just too deep in my stories. Or it's basically crap.
My masterpiece was scrapped within the few lines he heard my synopsis.
And the crew settled on a story of a person who has a deep love/craving for chocolates..... split personality and all that.. the person talkin to himself...
haiz... here we go again.
Anways... Vicky... well.. on the way back frm Ngee Ann . it was abt 7... erm... currently im having a bit of an emotional breakdown (PMS again...) . Everyone needs a friend to talk to. I called Vicky.. we met at Sembawang MRT and yeah i guess he noticed my all teary-weary even in the dark. Lolz.. imagine me.. all teary in public. oh well..
we got down at Sembawang Mart all the way till 10 pm... we talked. A lot...
He told me stories about the rest. He told me about Donald. His family.. his cousins ( i wonder how he can stand them bullying him.)... ... ... ...
but what i lok forward when talkin to him is his superb control and knowledge of the things and experiences that i lack as a SPOILT and PAMPERED boy who gets everything he wants. Vicky talked about really high-end stuff. Priests.. monks... thrid eye... spiritual things... death...
Did you know that the policeman who shot himself int he gym.... was actually playing Russian Roullette? the game whereby u put a bullet in revolver, spin the thing and clamp it back shut and pull the trigger with the gun pointing to ur brains? They were playing that game. It's not in the news.
and the other story of the other guy who died during NS... also has a twist behind it.
How does he know? His cousin's friend... and it was his cousin's brother that was playing Russian Roullette.
he also told me that twist with coming along with Zhi Jian but im nt so sure if its credible. But he also told me wht Donald told him back of the truck a few weeks ago.
I told him how Vis and I had this immense unknown pressure on us... as if we or someone we know is gonna pass on... for maybe abt a month or so. We even had a long discussion about it. Made a little pact too. I even old clara about that heavy feeling. Adn there was a time i really got freaked out (sissy little me), i stayed over javis' that night........ all these before the Yishun story came out.
and also the story on how Kasson was supposed to be at yishun dam but he didnt go cos his family priest or sth warned him not to go near the sea or lake or huge water bodies for this year...
Kasson related this story to his brother, who then passed on to me; Kasson didnt heed the preist/monk's advice and still wne swimming in the sea somehwere and something DID pull him down.
Now i wonder if i ahve a video of zhi jian... because i read on sheryl's blog that aloysius was his friend.... and if i got the correct aloysius... he was out fishing with a huge grp of his frens that time i released my turtles with dion and marcus. I took a video of all of them. i really wonder.
and vicky agreed with me on my hypothesis; war will start around the time we or I go for NS.
I spoke to him about how, since young, i dreamt that i was going to die in battle, as a foot soldier (probably with a video camera). He stared at me... and he revealed that... he too.. thinks he's life has stopped. He claims he has nothing else to life anymore. personal issues longer here...
In short, he claims that his life has stopped.. now he's just waiting for that time to pass on.
and we both agreed that the world is going to end soon.
He told me about the meteor that was supposed to crash into earth 2 weeks ago (i didnt noe that) but instead it hit a sattelite... both exploded.
my stand is based on religious grounds (yes.. essentialy... i AM still a Muslim.). Our Holy book gave us the few signs on the comin of Judgment Day.
Some of them i can remmeber are: change in wheather climate (vicky told me that its been very hot in the daytime lately and super cold at night.), increased number of deaths and tragedies ( Im confused... is it because im growing up and hearing more about people dying... people who are of very close proximity with us... or is it really that more people are dying... in a very close proximity to us.), new outbreak of diseases, human beings will slowly behave like animals ( lack of modesty.. sex everywhere... lack of clothes... dun we see that already.), humans would forget about religion completely and trn materialistic (welcome to modern Singapore) and the rise of homosexuality among the society.
Yes... I am indeed terrified.
Vicky, in short, isnt as happy as i may be.
I hear stories of how my friends... my close friends. (!!!),, are suffering in life with this and that... and im so lucky to be having what i have now.
So i concluded with him," I think... God gave me all these.. so that i can help others with them."
Vicky said,"No, Audi.... you shouldnt try to help... how much can u do to help the world?!"
I shot back,"Who said i were to help the world?! I believe that God gave me a very remarkable talent; writing stories! I believ my video camera can do wonders!"
i sensed he was thinking i was all air-headed and stuff but i continued..
"I actually have the ability, with hthis camera, to bring things on to screen! I see beggars on the street and no one helping them! With this camera, i can make a short story about him... and put it on screen! at least.. i hope... people would open their eyes."
I had a conversation with a beggar very long ago... i was still young... he told how he was thrown out of the house... hardships... adn the psychological abuse he has been given by the society in general.
and just today, during scoial psychology, my leturer, Danny Boey, talked about how these charity shows and campaigns are using the foot-in-the-door theory to get money from people.
he gave me the example of the NKF charuty show... when it started out, it was only one donation line... FIVE dollars... now wht do we see? many many many .... its depressing really.. it gives the society a very fake perception on those who need help. because the strategy plays on the society's sympathy. other people see this strategy and they get disgusted.
Vicky is a very good conversationalist. He and i have been hitting it off whenever it comes to spiritual things... but other than that i think we dont have that much to talk about.
He sent me off at the bus stop.. took 856 back home to yishun... and had an impromptu meet up with Hui Shi...
yeah well she and a few people noe stuff i've been doing so she and i talked about the "thing"...
Hui Shi's such a big girl now.... she looks happier too. lolz...
yes yes i was all teary with her too . -.- ... ... ...
guys have a sissy part too u noe... but maybe im having more that other normal guys.
Tomorrow a few of my classmates are revisiting Old Changi Hospital... ive been so gracious to lend them my video camera.
I really hope that my camera comes back as i left it. I hope God accepts that i lent them to do a recording of the hospital because i want to see the colour tones and variations of the hospital. And of course.. if the presence of secret societies and drug addicts are there... nothing else.
I think i'll be gradually returning back to religion.
Sarah... help~~~
Saturday, July 16, 2005
A funny thing happened when i woke up today; the sun was in my face, the aircon was blowing down on me, the blanket was keeping me warm, the room had this pleasant aura and smell.
I have never felt so perfect before. Took me back to the days when i was a little boy in my room just waiting for the next chicken rice to be served.
mustve been after-effects of last evening eh? =p=pp
My marder came home today.. my dad gave me a few things... three of my favourite drinks, MALTA (whoo!!), a NEW sunglasses! ( he bought it when i was young.. it was super expensive. zzz doesnt he klnow tha ti cant take care of things...), he gave me afew sweets (white rabbit, my fav too)...a new t shirt (and he keeps buying me size L... L for LOLZ!! ok lame...) and best of all... he managed to swoop down into the depth of the hotel and fish out for me a POLAROID camera!!!
ok la so u all have digital cameras and bla (hey i do, too! even though its 5 years old...) but you know.... im still all touchy-feely with "old stuff" and the polaroid has this nice tone and texture to its pictures that could easily bring back a 1950s kinda feel to it. heck, i was searching online to find out more abt the camera, a Polaroid 645cl, and found out that the Polaroid manufactured in in 1968, tts abt... 37 years ago! and its still works! perfectly!
lolz... ive did some scans on some pics i took so far. Film is expensive. and on catridge only has 10 films... zzz.
and it has aslow shutter speed, which means that the subject has to be very still for u to take claear pictures ie. no blurred images, and i cant take anything closer than 1.2m otherwise the thing would be out of focus and i gotta use switches to tell the camera which brightness/darkness filter would be suitable to take a picture. okay im lost already.
gonna bring it for soccer tml, hopefully.... take a few old pics with the guys. yeah baby... Ye Ol'Friends...
 My living room. The yellowish-tint is because when the pic was taken, the surroudning temp was warm. so its like.. the film chemicals got altered.
 my room la...
 Donald.. =p
today was a happy day.
despite the fact that i skipped my grammar test two times in addition that the teacher arranged a retest for me. -.-
anyways.... Savage Cravings is heading to nowhere really... I really have very different views on how the video should be edited compared to the director, Justin.
Somehow my style of editing clashes with him. But her he's the director and he DOES give in to some of my suggestions so whtever. Savage Cravings will be completed by next wednesday.
Anyways... today i called Hui Wen out for dinner.... lolz... i let her choose; does she want a high class dinner at Long John or a low class one at 925?
she chose Long John.
damned princess wannabes.... grr...
and so yeah i walked in the heavy thunderstorm with my breifcase filled with about 7 kilograms of camera and video equipment, my laptop and my tripod on my back. Now i noe how sarah feels like carrying herself. LOLZ LOLZ!! HAHA!!!!
ahem ahem.
people love staring at my breifcase (now referred to as "thing" ). People love staring at my thing. they just find it amusing that someone like me (khaki pants, colar shirt and a white cap) would be able to carry a thing like that. A heavy thing infact. worse of all, many of them in the mrt would not give way to me, even if my thing was put directly forward-out from me, literally, i was pushing my thing into them. and they rarely budged. oh well...
anyways guess who was at long john too?
HUI SHI!!!! OMG !!! HUI SHI!!!!
that girl who actually left me for a bloody long time after she had that infamous dinner with me on my birthday this year. LOLZ... i remmeber she smsed me that night,"You act really very weird today lei. I think i dun wan to go out with you anymore."
haha! yes yes i was distraught. if u think abt it... she's stilll a fren and duh, anypne in his right mind would try to settle probs. -.-
but it didnt work out.
lolz and tht one hr plus we spent in long john.. i was eating the rollever thingy (wah!!! LJS has a new menu!), hui wen was seated infornt of me eating her combo 1, hui shi beside her.. and i found that throughout.. iw as talkin to hui shi~LOLZ.... and i asked hui wen out... lolz... fun fun... but as usual i bacame cheeky with hui wen... like for example i said she slimmed down (she did!! really!) but her face nv change. =p=p=p=p. Within a second, her expression cahnged from "cute" to "knn u di siao me again..."
then after that... the rain stopped... hui wen took her bus (while shaking her little compact toosh) and hui shi and i took 800 back. Got off at the same bus stop as usual and after we said "bye", we turned around and talked abt Javis. HAHAHAH!!!!!
wah we spent abt 10 minutes tanding at the bus stop talkin abt this and that. then i said "bye" again and we ended up walkin in the same direction; up the stairs, where we then decided to just sit down and talk under the block nearby... where we stayed till abt 7:15pm.
lolz.. we basically talked abt everything... that fateful night in januray... secrets.. promises...abt clara... abt school... henry sarah... aik... changi hosptial.. the red house... cemeteries.. JAVIS... JAVIS JAVIS... cherina... yuan qin... school... poly... sex... r(A) stuff.... and how gay i look when i shook my hips for her. HAHA!!!
fun fun.. and finally i met her sister... which.. i bet... ANYONE would mistake her for hui shi's little sister cos she IS THAT damn bloody small!!! LOLZ!! they met outside the lift. her sister was going off somehwere.. and after she left, hui shi kept bugging me on what i think her sister looked like. -.-
oh dear.
i was so stunned, when i realised i was lookin at hui shi's sister, my laptop strap broke and the laptop bag came crashing down. grr...
haha.. hui shi~~~..... aiya we argued a lot abt who was breaking promises most of the time (some of u noe wht we mean la...) but then... hey she still giggled when i swayed my hips for her. =p=p=p=pp=p....
haha... even the "=p=p=p=p=p=p=", i learnt from her.
so its like...
"=p=p=pppp=p=p=p=pp=p" (Pang, 2005, para. 1)
Pang, H.S., 2005, "What I did to my boyfriend." Para. 1, Retrieved on 31 February 2005 from http://www.MyVoiceJustBroke!
ahha... yeha baby... like i said before... if we two were like... went a hundred steps forward, we would've been together for a year and four months... yeah... but too bad the relationship would be passive....
and who the hell out there told her that i said i think she liked me!!! DOTZ MAN!!!! ITS"S THE OTHER WAY ROUND!!! PASSIVE RELATIONSHIP, REMEMBER THAT!
Currently im finding ways to make my masterpiece script, "He's My Brother" (Wo de kor kor in huaaa yu...) transform into a real video that can be played on screen. =p..... wow... i really love that script...
err is it ok to say that i read the script and actually felt like u noe... touched? lolz.... I gave some of my classmates the script too... so far the response has been "Ï'm so touched".
Michelle actually cried. -.- ... michelle... that girl who wear striped glasses and lives in yishun.... check out my pics.. u can find her easily...
I've also asked Charlene to translate the dialogue to mandarin, cause i belive it'll make more sense then.
I;m also waiting for comments from SARAH and APRIL and CLARA about it!!!
*mumble mumble*
Have a nice day.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
sorry but the Super Big Blow (Job) i promised is still in the makking... waiting for PICTURES to be uploaded.
*oh yeah... im nt loooking for girlfreinds anymore~~ yi peee!!! less trouble.*
Here.. for the first (foist, in texas) time (toim, in australia/britain) in history, i'm putting (puttin'. in America) up pictures (pics, in Singapore) of my classmates (kelasmets, in Malaysia).
 My classmates.. all of them are here... except for two more.. whom we basically shun away from... :) aiya.. for every community or grp.. there will surely be some people that the entire group hates la ok? names ar? ok la we start from left to right then go to me then back to the left ok? okay... gooood... Thenathelayan, Shaun, Justin, Marcus, Michelle, Yi Chang, Kwang Wei, Jeffery, AUDI AUDI AUDI(!!!), now to the left, Charlene (Jolin-manic), Sherlyn, Josephine, Hui Qing, Joyce, then now we go back down again, Shah. the oldest in class... 23 years old u noe.. wahh.. but canot drive car yet... haha!! basically my class is full of ppl with different personalities... and you can gladly call me the stupidest in class... and still be correct!
Guess what guess what... this Friday... the class (i mean it... THE CLASS) is going on for a little excursion... izzit a little planned/sponsored/propaganda excursion? Nope..
We all palnned this on our own accord. (own accord seh~~) LOLZ... we're going down to Little India. mauahah... song bo!!??! ok ok maybe some of u are like." Urgh.. little india.. where is that? what is that? urgh nothing to shop.. no yandao kia... no clubbing...etc. etc. but yeah well we're gonna go there.. take pictures... of INDIANS!! LOLZ LOLZ ok tt maybe didnt sound rite but it so happens that some of my classmates have the same knack as I do to know more about our own country.
aha and that takes me to my next topic. lolz... aiya will be short story la. ok la basically i really really really LOVE OLD SINGAPORE... wht i mean by old singapore? means.. no crap like dyed hair... no crap like clubbing... no crap like act cute sumbtich actors ad actresses... btu a LOT of innocence (aha.. which also includes not much FONDLING... not much HUGGING... not much SLEEPING OVER... not much UNVIRGINATIZING amongst teens... ah yes...)
most importanly... NO BLOODY DAMNED TALL FREAKING BUILDINGS!!! OMG its like there is only a few spots left on Singapore that you can stretch your eyesight and look at the horizon. -.- I wont be surprised (but ill be so bloody pissed) if the HUGE EMPTY LAND near GV will be replaced by a freaking waste-of-money-ish shoppingcentre/community cetre/pub/condominium/hawker centre/ skatepark/playground/science center. zzz... infact,i think that if you were to say "HUGE EMTPY LAND" in the parliament house, oficials will shimmy on to you and force you to reveal the location at knife-point. Just so that they can build something rite?
the other day i saw the cantonese church building near CHIJMES beind demolished. -.-... that thing has been there for such a long time you know... Bloody SMU needed the space i guess. Maybe for a new canteen or fast food restaurant eh?
ahem ahem..
anyways yeah this friday going little india... explore the culture ( sounds lame yea? well blame schools.. they make it sound lame.).... then the history.. where they came from... then a few days later we're gonna go CHINATOWN... see all the secret societies... the bengs.. the lians.. (whee.. i love ah lians~~) the gays at Ah ***** Hill and of course.. maybe see Mr Yeo Teck Teck Cheng's shophouse... where he said tt bengs lived around him and his father dun allow him talk to them. :)
Then of course... we're going to kampong glam? where is that? Wo bu zhi dao... what do they have there? Wo zhen de bu zhi dao... Why are we going therE? ni qu hong gan la!
 The director, Justin, and me during our shooting of our 2nd narrative video project, Savage Cravings.
 During ACTUAL filimng... and Justin cocked-up when i turned the camera... lolz.. he no time to hide so bo pian hide like that... but he still came into frame..
 Chak~!
ah yes... javis loves teaching me vulgarities. I like...
javis.. that boy.. that boy that even though is bloody naughty (hor)... also has a brain in other matters... lolz...
The other day when i went ove to old changi general hospital... (story coming soon!!), i calle dhim over to sleep... and he did! even though i had to wait for him under his block at 9 pm for a bloody hour, he did come! lolz... then as usual.. we would talk.. formt he time we meet to the time we part... about a range of things; clara.. donald... henry.. aik.. nesh... tharik... sarah... school... north view... girlfriends... girls... the government... latin dance... tiffany.. pamela(oo new character..)... Superstar... filming... engineering.. vulgarities... personal things (very personal one hor.... .. :) ).. haha...
so that night.. we talked... all the way.. from 10pm... to 3 am.... and we continued again... from 7:30am to 10am. lolz... fun fun... actually tht day i wasn supposed to be in school to record the commercial for my project at nine in the morning but wwht the heck man... i'm talkin to my friend!
aiya some of you will say this is PERCEPTUAL ACCENTUATION or i'm just in "that" mood again but i think.... that vis is you know... hmm he has had (and is still having, in fact) his fair share of life so far and yeah baby.... he has brains...
You know... Vis told me sth that morning too.. eh wait.. actually it was just yesterday morning... lolz... aha.. July 11th 2005.. remmeber the date, Audi!
He told me that however things may turn out we'll normally stick to our secondary school friends...
i fact, i think Sarah even told me this on the same day~~ lolz.. i met her under her block. she was dressed in a sarong and a turban. LOLZ... hey she smelt like coconut oil too... LOLZ LOLZ!!!!!
haha... yeah baby.... yeah i noe i noe.. im able to do more things that i like with my current classmates and that's good cos i can actually learn and gain experience and stuff like that but then again.... Ye Ol' Friends have been around long enough for me or anyone, in fact, who has actually spent a lot of time with them to really really really appreciate them for who and what they are. I hereby agree t the terms and conidtions stated in this electronic text document and hold off any liabilities bla bla bla bla *sign~~* .. haha...
aiya... Super-sociable as i am (cheh... bhb~~), the 9 or 11 or 10 (how i noe!!! i also dunno who to count in!!) of them would always be up there... somehwere... here in my mind... (smart.. somewhere up there over there but its here in my mind -.- ).
ok so we were talkin abt Javis ya? HAhA!!... funny how he has made so many friends (both in school and out) ever since he got into 4e2, he still comes to me during lunch and talk about the "others". lolz... and i thought he would be the first one we (okay... maybe i shouldve said, "I") would "lose" once the Sarawak Trip was over.
eh you all cry lei...
ok ok i haven been updating..... yeah rite... im wiritng a super duper long post rite now... full of pics... full of juicy stories of my recent adventures to the many interesting places in Singapore that maybe some of you didnt even noe existed. :)
pls man... give Orchard road or shopping centres a break....
and well.... my friends and i visited OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL just a mere few hrs ago.. muahaha.... yes yes yes.... juicy juicy stories... muahaha~!!!
keep an eye on this blog ya?
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
and remmebr that "Mein Bereich" means "My Area" in German..
and "Ich Liebe Dich auch als Freund" means "I love you as a friend, too" ! these few days have been better so far... Stress week is over! but i still have a few bitty assginments to do and that HUGE film shoot to do at Choa Chu Kang this Friday and Saturday.
Finally Vis met up with me. Really! he called me and said he wana eat.. LOLZ.... whee...
But i had a meeting running and since it was on storyboarding... and im the cameraman for now so its like... i gotta be there to think out the camera angles. But of course im not that perfect so i do take in ideas given from the rest.
btw i actually found sth very interesting abt myself; I'M SPEECH-IMPAIRED!!! LOLZ!!! truely! There are times i just cant get words outta my mouth and i just do that, ''mmm...mmm!!'' thingy again. lolz!! okok so we were talkin abt Javis yeah?
Vis and i never really did talk much for the first few minutes we FINALLY say each other. Then while waiting for dance to start, him and i sat on the railing outside the dance room, taking the risk of falling backwards and into the swimming pool down below, I just let out a fw rants on... well.. basically everything under the sun... from about him.... to about school.... to abut family.. and to about friends.... adn that dead decomposing camp someone left under a little tree outside school beside the highway. -.- .
then suddenly he played yi lu xiang bei by Jay on his phone and i guess that shut me up pretty quickly. lolz the song brings back memories... lolz... i rmemeber watching it with aik, henry and sarah. Hui Wen and hui shi were also in the same cinema!! LOLZ!!! Hui Shi!!! she's grown.... err... finally? haha!!!
For dance today... wheee.... we got to do the hugging-like action with our partner!!! muahahaha~~~!!! naturally i got Tiffy..... and i dun think ill be changing my partner anytime soon =p=p=ppppp===pppp
lolz... yes yes i am excited... imagine... four or five ex-girlfreinds and i have never kkissed... well if kissing on the neck counts then whtever.. I'VE NV KISSED!!!
lolz... fun.... Vis and i had a little dinner cum chat cum rage cum spiritual discussion cum talkin abt Javi's new hairstyle at King albert Park's MAc Donalds. Then we took a one hr plus ride back home to school. I mean, Yishun.
Like old times, we said by, he took the taxi home form interchange, not forgetting to take the cab far from me. GRRRR....
The Creative Prodikeys rawk!!! it's really a very very very very effective tool to play a keyboard! i recommended jason to buy it, i recommended my classamtes, Justin (the beard), and Thena to buy it.. i bascially told everyone to buy it. it's really really THAT good! what's more, CREATIVE is having a little fair at Ngee Ann's atrium in cinjunction with the World Cyber Gmes Competition (whihch biascially the Engineering student readily accept except for the other school adn minorities frm the course, genrally speaking). Now the prodikeys costs abt 109 dollars!!! freak! and ibought mine three days ago.. and it costed mme abt.. FIFTY DOLLARS more! zzz... yeah well... bought a new sound card to.. only to realise that my current desktop speakers dun have the sufficient audio range for th card... the bass is high.. the hightones cause distortions on my speaker. grr... logic talk. Beth runs away again.
Anyways... the Prodikeys rawk! I played the national anthem (of The Republic of Singapore) in a bell-clock kinda manner and sent it to hui Wen in the middle of the night and she laughed her ass off!!! LOLZ... she said it's cute. -.- dot. Currently im lookin for ways to play songs on my blog. April helpme! Cheryl help me! Clara help me! Sarah? ah nvm sarah can go do her make up. LOLZ LOLZ....
and i played a little sth for Clara too. :) its nt perfect.... but i tried....
Lolz and i just passed her the new script i wrote.. the one on two brothers... The title now is "He's My Brother" but i think i might change it.... Wo de Kor Kor? LOLZ.... haha!!!! ok ok anything.. will be passing on to the Sarahs and Aprils of the world to read it too....
ok ok i know that you know that i love talking. Here are the PICTURES!!!!
i bo liao mah so i took pics of my room~~~....
 My room!!!! notice the amount of TECHNOLOGY on that desk! And please do rmemeber how much evil has been done on them... muahahahahaa... ok moving on...
 Aiya not say i wanna say hor...... but the photo composition is lousy and a different perspective of this setting may be more desirable... okay? logic....

 What ye see here-th is my favouritest drink.. MALTA.... adn my favouritest movie of all time, BROTHERHOOD!!... and my favouritest Korean actor... WON BIN!!! AARGGHHH!!! and of course.. that freaking keyboard that made me really pissed with wireless technology.zzz
 Camera camera.. where at the thou be there here thou that? umm that funny looking glasses is the eDimensional glasses "that enbles gamers to play in real-life 3D!!". Superb novelty item.
 ah yes.. this picture proves that i AM a GUY!! LOLZ!!! you see sticks dont you?u see a hlmet too, dont you? do u see that briefcase containing my production equipment? do u see those tupperware that now smells of oils and turpentine? yes u do. dont bluff yourself. you know you do. -.-"
 This is the only thing i have related to still photography. Pathetic. And im just nt ready to convert to digital photography yet. Analog... still holds on to my heartstrings like a banana on a sundae. *notice that super old photo that has been on my wall for abt 2 years? yup... Donald javis and me... old times....
 Another proof that i am a guy... MODELS... models of what? girls? nope.... more beautifuller than that... TANKS~~!!!! ohhH~~~
aww cmon u girls love make up so much... i love my tanks....
 and if that's not enuf... i have more...
 Sly~~~.... oh ok ok.. yeah i do read books... Sly~~~...... =p

it's nt junk~! it's two dustbins FILLED with junk! aww cmon!!!!! i've been hungry!!! and we wonder why im still so skinny....
Well than, that's all folks! I love you all!!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
I've been holding this philosophy (i think it is) that everything in this world is balanced.
When i was a young hairless boy, lazing around on my bed... I always thought that when ur morning is good... ur night will be bad... and vice versa.
Soon i found out that whenever i start laughing so much in school, ill come home at night to receive my mother's punishment for god-knows-what.
But then again... if i had a bad day, i'd come home at night, expecting something good to happen and iit usually does... even thought how small tt thing is.. like ordering deep-friend chicken rice (breast part)... :)
Now, in modern times ( =p ), ...... ok anything.. today i lost my dogtag.... BUT I FOUND IT!!! funny how it got to the kitchen sink.
Then after that, i went down to Creative's HQ to get my new toy~~~~~ the Prodikeys!!!
OK ok basically the Prodikeys is a keyboard + music keyboard combo. yup... its a normal comp keyboard connected to 37 pieces of piano keys! This device allows me or the user (wow! I'm nt considered a "user" ! ) to play MIDI just like a real kayboard! (like the one Jason is learning now... whee...)
They have a software.. all u have to do is either make ur own MIDI msuic, or import a MIDI file and LEARN TO PLAY IT!!! and guess what i did? I just downloaded 11 Jay Chou tunes on MIDI!! muahaha... shiok shiok.
and besides... I'll be free of the copyright issues if i were to play music I PlAYED into videos even thought thw song i played is Jay Chou's song. aaaa yes... "logic" stuff.... the stuff mac-eliza-Beth doesnt like.
Yeah anyways i threw in a new soundcard too... Crative Audigy 2 ZS....
And now im stumped.. i got the card to work... but the Prodikeys doesnt! Some USB Legacy Device issue which i have no idea how to rectify.
Anyways... yeah then i finally got to see April and Sarah's house! I went over to Boon Teng's at abt 9 sth and wahhhhh.... mansionnette~~~~~~~ whooo..... and she was all alone... her hse was dark except for her room... whoooo.... LOLZ....
Why was i there? to get from her some songs~~~~ =p=p=p=ppppp
then off i went... across the road.. -.-" ..... to sarah's house! u see her block and u see MANSIONNETTES too!!! i was like.. wow... Clara, Sarah and April are "mansionette-rs".
So there i was waiting outside unit no. 10-277's door to open. it never did... so i called sarah; maybe she was behind the door peeping thriugh the peephole at me. *shyyyy~~*
she said okay she will open the door.
Then i heard... the clicking... the keys... the irresponsible act of hitting the metal gates with keys...... FROM BELOW!
omg i was on the wrong floor... -.-"
LOLZ so i ran down the stairs, jsut in time to see her pretty maked-up face appearing from behind the wall opp the stairs ....
yeah ok i know, sarah, u told me u were nt using make up or anything but i know u were bluffng.. ur hair's all in place, ur face is blardy white and smooth and bright and YOU SAY YOU'RE NOT USING MAKE UP?!?!?! pfft...
..... and her unit is those one-floor units... LOLZ.... can imagine her masscom frens... "Whoa!!! mansionnette!!! *goes to front door* Eh? executive only... CHEY~~~!"
Then after that i went over to Burglar Queen at Gordon Pillage to present my EXPIRED SECondary School student card to get a student's meal. Am i tt cute to look like a sec sch student? =p... pfft... cute... lolz... i guess the cap makes me look weak.
there i was.. in BK... at the far end of the counter-seats.... tying away on my laptop on my LATEST SCRIPT.
No... this is not the Kasson script... this new script uses the names of Dion, Marcus, Clara and Mother. =p ... muahahah... Basically its abt two brothers who love AND bully each other. Then when they were in their teens, the elder brother is found to be making out with a girl that his younger brother CLEARLY admires a lot. This is bad cos after all, the younger brother is rather introvert and timid. That night they fight and stop talkin to each other. But before they can get things resolved, the japs invade Singapore (yes, this is set in 1942) and the entire family is torn apart. it's only after war that the little brother comes to his old home, in search for his elder brother, only to find a handwritten note left by the elder brother on his wherabouts.
uhh .. okay.... and then i went to 7-11 and bumped into Leanord, nicholas and that really really TALL TALL TALL guy... i thin khis name is jia... jia sth... jia hao? no... jia hao is that nerd nerd rite?. haha yeah... i talked with them a bit.. they asked if i went to PCK the Musical ( i was wearing the shrt ) and i asked a few questions on the school nowadays.. lolz....
Then i left...
So its like the night was sooooo positive positive positve.... and.. rmemeb the Yin and Yang... i come home... got scolded for coming homelate (IT WAS ONLY ELEVEN!!!) and Tianyu, who was supposed to sleep over, wasnt allowed to come over once i told my marder he was coming for the night (cos tml we're having soccer training and we need to wake up damn bloody early to meet at khatib mrt before 730... zz...). yeah well maybe she's having PMS... yeah..
So rmemebner.. the Yin and Yang... You may be having it soo perfect now... but beware.. there will be a period of time u will suffer like hell!!! and vice versa. and i think... for every bad thing.. there is bound to be a good thing... and vice versa...
... oo yes... logic talk again. I can imagine Beth doing "Chicken Run" again.
crap! i can effing believe it!!!!
i lost my effing dogtag!!!
yesterday i was walking down the hill in ngee ann i was scratching my neck and there you go.... where is that string i used to twiddle with when im bored?!?!?! where is that dogtag i used to bite when im bloody in pain! there's nth hanging around my neck anymore! eff!!! damn i fele so naked!
and that thing... whihc actually bear's someone else's name.... has been around my neck SINCE SEC 2!!!! wtf!!!!
crap! Oh my God i hope someone actually finds it and is KIND ENOUGH to put it in the lost and found hoobbie habba office!!!
or mabe its in my rooom.... ah whatever.. im gonna overturn my room now.